What Does Your Favorite Holiday Drink Say About Your Personality

Hot chocolate with whipped cream. Chocolate drink and Christmas decorations

More than ever, people are in need of a little boost of Christmas cheer. And with the holidays just around the corner, seasonal items are available everywhere- including seasonal drinks.

Which holiday drink is your favorite? Find your beverage of choice below to see what it reveals about your personality.


You’re timeless. You don’t care much for the fads that other people follow, and prefer to stick to what you like. It’s a well-known fact that you are firm in your convictions and beliefs, and your consistency helps you to remain unwavering. People appreciate your overall decisiveness, and because of this they often turn to you for direction in times of crisis.

Peppermint mocha

You live life to the fullest. Even though you tend to dream big, your drive and determination match your grand ideas and allow you to execute them. The people around you notice the passion you have for the things you love, and that passion is infectious. You make it a point to stick to your word and always follow through with what you say you’ll do.

Hot Chocolate

You’re lovable and sweet. You have a generous nature, and always share whatever you have with the people around you. Because you have such an easygoing personality, there’s not a lot of people that don’t get along with you. Socializing is your favorite way to pass the time, and you’re constantly meeting new people.

Mulled wine

You exude an air of refinement. When you do anything, you’re always diligent about being detail-oriented and thorough. Other people trust your observant eye and often come to you for advice as a result. Even though you often keep to yourself, the people you intentionally choose to open up to enjoy a deep and loyal friendship with you.

Apple Cider

You’re full of wonder, always seeking to experience little moments very vividly. Every vibrant color, appetizing smell, and unique texture that you encounter remind you that you’re alive and interacting with the world around you. Others are inspired by your fascination with simplicity and aspire to be awe-struck with life the way you are.