What Does Your Favorite Flower Say About You as a Worker?


Sometimes it’s hard to know what kind of employee you are. Of course you want to be good at your job, easy to get along with, and thought of as dependable. But is that how other people see you? It can be difficult to judge. So why not try a totally unscientific method to discover how your coworkers and managers view you?

We’ve got just the ticket! Tell us what your favorite flower is, and we’ll tell you what that says about you as a worker.

Daisy – Optimist

Traditionally, the daisy is a flower that represents innocence and hope . If you’re someone who keeps looking for the bright side, it’s not surprising that you’re drawn to this flower. Your coworkers see you as someone who can find the upside in the most dismal returns and reports, and that’s never more clear than when things are really grim. So if you find coworkers gathering around your desk every time there’s bad news at the office, it’s because you’re an optimist.

Hyacinth – Funny

Ok, if hyacinths are your fav, then you might just be the office clown. Hyacinths are considered playful flowers, so it’s not surprised that you’re drawn to them if you just like to have a good time. Whether you’re the office prankster or you’ve just really good with off the cuff quips, chances are your coworkers see you as a fun person to have around. That’s why you always get invited to all the after work drinks and dinners!

Tulip – Happy

It doesn’t take a genius to see why these little pops of joy have always been associated with sunshine. If you’re drawn to yellow tulips like a moth to a flame, then chances are you’re known as the happy person around the office. Your upbeat charm and can-do attitude have probably endeared you to your coworkers and your managers alike!

Gladiolus – Encyclopedia

Every office needs a walking encyclopedia, and if you love gladiolus, then chances are that’s you! Gladioli have always been associated with remembrance so it’s no surprise that you love with, considering your attention to detail and good memory. Your coworkers count on you to remember which client liked chamomile tea, why no one can use is allowed to make decaf in the coffeemaker, and whose turn it is to buy the next retirement card. It’s a tough job, but you know you’re good at it!

Iris – Communicator

Yes, you probably are already aware that because of your great communication skills, you’re the office messenger. If there’s bad news, or good news, you’re the one always chosen to deliver it. Associated with being a “messenger” because the Greek goddess Iris was the messenger of the gods, iris has traditionally been linked to communication. You may not have known why these delicate but complicated flowers have always appealed to you, but now you’ve got the message!