Top Tips To Working More Efficiently


The job force is fast-paced and cutthroat. In order to keep up with the speed workers are expected to perform at, it’s important to settle into a routine of efficiency and focus.

Here are some tips to help you find more order in your work life and spend your time at work more effectively as a result.

Clear Your Space

A clean workspace is indicative of a clean mind. Before you start working, try taking 15 minutes to clear out the space your using. Wipe surfaces down, throw away trash, vacuum the floor- these small chores can make the biggest impact on your level of productivity. It’s much easier to focus when small messes aren’t catching your attention and distracting your mind from the work you should be doing.

In addition to distraction, clutter can take away from precious worktime. Surveys show that every week, workers waste up to two hours of their time sorting through their unorganized messes. Clutter takes away from your capacity to get the job done in a timely and efficient manner.

Clear Your Mind

It’s nearly impossible to accomplish the task at hand when you’re mind is pulled in a hundred different directions. To keep up with all the demands of work, be sure to stay on top of self-care for your mind. It needs time to rest and breathe, and there’s a wide variety of activities that can help you find that mental clarity.

Mediation is an especially helpful tool when attempting to clear your mind. Apps such as Headspace and Calm can guide you through the process, helping you to put your mind at ease and fill it with peaceful thoughts. You work best out of a state of true rest, and in order to boost efficiency, you need to have experienced restful stillness.

Clear Your To-Do List

Working while you have errands and chores looming over you is challenging. With so many tasks that need to get done, it can be hard to work on your job with vigor and focus. In order to boost your productivity, it may be helpful to resolve some items on your to-do list before you start your work.

Return that phone call to your dentist. Schedule a lunch date with the friend you haven’t seen in a while. Reorganize the produce in your fridge. By doing these things, it can eliminate some of the distractions that may pull you from your attention to your work.