How to Stay Motivated While Getting Your Degree Online


Online education has so many benefits- tuition is more affordable, there’s no need to commute, class times are more flexible, and you can learn at whatever pace works best for you.

But despite all of the upsides to online higher education, many find it difficult to stay motivated enough to finish their degree. Here are a few tips to help you keep moving through your college curriculum and maintain your motivation to finish schooling online.

Make a Vision Board

What goals do you hope to accomplish by getting your degree online? List your answers out and keep them in a highly visible area so that you can refer to them throughout your online schooling experience. You can also use pictures instead of words, compiling a collection of images that represent where you want to be after you’ve graduated. This tactic of goal setting and vision casting allows you to begin establishing a plan for your education that will direct you where you want to go in your career.

Ask Yourself Questions

It’s always beneficial to begin with the end in mind, and asking yourself reflective questions help you to do just that. Why are you getting your degree? What benefits of online education are helping you to best serve the season of life you are in? Answering these can help to motivate you to continue with your work, as well as remain content with the circumstances you are in.

Avoid Procrastination

Online coursework has a special susceptibility to extreme procrastination. Without the pressure of in-person classes and tight schedules, it can be easy to start slacking and push homework off until the last minute. Avoid procrastination by creating a strict yet realistic schedule and pushing yourself to stick to it. It takes a lot of discipline to do this, but anyone can develop that kind of self-control with time and consistency.

Have Accountability

Sometimes a little bit of pressure can be a good thing. Find someone that knows your deadlines and will hold you to the timelines you create to meet those deadlines. This can serve as a helpful challenge you. It can be hard to accept having someone watch over your work in this way, especially when your accountability partner needs to step in and correct your actions. But despite the pressure it adds on, it also helps relieve the pressure you would need to put on yourself to finish your work in a timely manner.