How to Job Hunt Like a Pro


The job market can be a scary place. There are countless phone calls, meetings, and interviews that you need to attend in order to make yourself a potential candidate for a position. But how can you be effective in your job search without getting lost in the journey of advancing your career?

Here are a few helpful tips to help you hit your target on your hunt for work…

Play the Numbers Game

In order to maximize your opportunities, it’s important that you apply for as many jobs as possible. Sometimes applications are merely a numbers game- the more you apply, the greater chance you’ll have at landing a job. If you’re not searching for a specific position, using this approach is the most efficient way to find work.

Always Be Ready

When you’re in the process of finding a new occupation, you never know when you might come across an opportunity. You have to always be ready so that you’re not caught by surprise when you’re met with an open position. Sometimes you may be invited to an impromptu interview after chatting with a manager, or someone might ask for your resume so that they can relay it to a friend looking for more employees. Be prepared for it all!

Use Your Connections

You never know who you’re connected to by just a few minor degrees of separation. A friend or colleague might know a potential employer in your desired line of work. Don’t be afraid to start conversations about your job hunt while you’re connecting with the people around you. Surveys show that 85% of jobs are secured through networking, so it’s crucial to take advantage of each connection that you have access to.

Turn Rejection Around

Rejection is an inevitable part of any job hunt. Employers say “no” to applicants for any number of reasons- lack of experience, unqualified skillsets, scheduling conflicts, personality differences, etc. But this doesn’t necessarily reflect on your capability as a worker, it merely shows that you wouldn’t fit within that particular work environment.

Whenever you encounter this kind of rejection, try using it as fuel for your search. Learn from the feedback of your interviewers, and use it to make yourself better. If someone doesn’t see your potential, prove them wrong by working to land the job of your dreams.