Get a Bigger Paycheck With These Simple Steps


When you go to work, it’s important to feel like you’re being honored financially for all the hard work that you put in. In fact, few American workers truly feel that they’re being compensated fairly for the hours they put in. Reports indicate that less than 20% of workers think they’re truly making enough money for what they do.

If you want to earn higher wages, here are a few simple steps that you’ll need to take in order to increase your chances of getting a bigger paycheck.

Get Extra Training

Sometimes a great way to advance your pay is to train for a higher position. You could get a degree online to increase your education, or you could find courses that can certify you in specific skills that would increase your versatility. Here are some useful certifications that you could train for in order to get higher pay.

Take Initiative

When there are extra jobs to be done around your workplace, offer to complete them yourself! Taking initiative when it comes to task management shows that you are responsible and reliable. Dependable workers are well worth the extra money for higher pay, and if you stay on your toes you can show that you’re worth the investment.

Go The Extra Mile

It never hurts to go the extra mile when you’re on the clock. Does your boss seem overwhelmed? Ask if there are some extra small tasks that you can take on to ease the pressure. Does your coworker look worried? Offer to go on a coffee run to cheer them up. Boosting morale by going the extra mile is a great way to get your boss’s attention, proving your value as an employee.

Ask For a Raise

The best thing to do is simply ask for a raise. Schedule a meeting with your boss and talk about growing into a higher-paying role. Even if you’re hit with a “no,” you have the opportunity to ask your employer what it will take to earn a bigger paycheck. A survey by Payscale shows that over two-thirds of workers never even ask for more money, which won’t do you any good if you’re looking to increase your wages.