Online University Degrees

Online degrees are gaining traction as more and more students value the flexibility and wide range of course work they offer. More than 15% of college students are exclusively enrolled online. With each academic year, online degree options expand. It is now possible to get a bachelor’s degree online in most liberal arts disciplines and many sciences as well....

3 Ways to Boost Your Chances of Getting Hired

Interviews can be terrifying. It’s difficult to figure out what employers are looking for during their hiring process, as not all of them specify what characteristics they deem to be the most hirable or effective. So how do you know what you need to do in order to get the job? Here are three interview tips that will help boost...

How to Stay Motivated While Getting Your Degree Online

Online education has so many benefits- tuition is more affordable, there’s no need to commute, class times are more flexible, and you can learn at whatever pace works best for you. But despite all of the upsides to online higher education, many find it difficult to stay motivated enough to finish their degree. Here are a few tips to help...

Online Healthcare Degrees for You

If you’ve been paying attention to financial news lately, you’ve probably heard that healthcare jobs are on the rise. Growth in the healthcare sector is expected to grow 14% between 2018 and 2028. The vast expansion in a wide variety of healthcare fields means more and more job opportunities for those who work in healthcare. There are many different specialties...

4 Ways to Clean Up Your Resume and Get the Job

  You’re on the hunt for a new job, but you’re not the only one. With millions of Americans unemployed and searching for work, you don’t want your resume to get lost in the commotion. So how do you improve your chances of getting noticed by an employer? It all starts with your resume- and cleaning it up is a lot...

Cut Your Vacation Costs With These Traveling Hacks

Need a day off but can’t scrape together enough cash to do something exciting? With an average vacation cost of $1,145 per person, it’s no wonder that so many people struggle to take vacation time away from their jobs. But a few days in paradise shouldn’t require so much money from you! Here are a few tips to help you...