2 Year Healthcare Degrees that Pay Big

Salary is always a big consideration when it comes to a career change. In one study, 19% of those seeking new positions said a higher salary was the primary factor as they looked for a new job. If you’re considering going back to college or getting an online degree, you’ve probably thought about how to make that effort pay...

Avoid Negative Self-Talk With These Affirmations

How you talk to yourself makes a big difference in your level of productivity. A poor internal thought life has even been linked to anxiety and depression, both of which hinder your ability to perform at your best. Avoid negative self-talk by replacing them with positive affirmations. DON’T Say: “I can’t do this.” DO Say: “What do I need in order to...

This Bad Habit May Be Ruining Your Sleep Quality

After a long day, you lay down in your bed and unlock your phone. You start by checking your messages app, but one thing leads to another and suddenly you’re watching a 15 minute Youtube tutorial on how to bake cloud bread. 2 Instagram posts, a TikTok binge, and 4 Netflix episodes later it’s 2 am and you’re sleep...

Grab These Money Saving Apps Now

Everybody loves a bargain. One survey found that up to 90% of shoppers use coupons. We are all searching for ways to save cash these days. It’s tough to completely stop making purchases because you still need the necessities, but there’s no reason you shouldn’t try to save on the items you can’t avoid buying. While coupon clipping may...

How to Job Hunt Like a Pro

The job market can be a scary place. There are countless phone calls, meetings, and interviews that you need to attend in order to make yourself a potential candidate for a position. But how can you be effective in your job search without getting lost in the journey of advancing your career? Here are a few helpful tips to help...

3 Non-Traditional Ways You Can Ring In The New Year

Social restrictions and health precautions have influenced many adjustments while planning celebrations for the new year. In light of the pandemic, people are canceling their annual New Year’s parties and saving their midnight smooch. But even with so many limitations, it’s possible to find fun and exciting ways to celebrate the new year in a new way. The year 2020...

7 Brain Foods to Boost Your Focus

  It’s true when people say “you are what you eat.” The things that you put into your body will have a direct impact on your energy and functionality. Without the right balance of nutrients, it can sometimes feel impossible to get through the day. Running on an empty tank can take a huge hit on your focus, making you...

Online Healthcare Degrees for You

If you’ve been paying attention to financial news lately, you’ve probably heard that healthcare jobs are on the rise. Growth in the healthcare sector is expected to grow 14% between 2018 and 2028. The vast expansion in a wide variety of healthcare fields means more and more job opportunities for those who work in healthcare. There are many different specialties...

Negotiate a Better Salary

Everyone wants a higher salary. With the cost of living going up every year, it seems you constantly need more dollars to pay for food, housing, and healthcare. If you haven’t been receiving regular raises, chances are your income isn’t keeping up with inflation. We don’t need to tell you that you need more money, or why you need...

Need a Side Gig? Try These!

There’s just never enough money to pay all your bills, is there? No matter how carefully you budget and sale shop, your paycheck just never stretches as far as it needs to. Maybe that’s why up to 44 million Americans have a side hustle. You might be in school to get on a new career track, or maybe you’re...