How to Job Hunt Like a Pro

The job market can be a scary place. There are countless phone calls, meetings, and interviews that you need to attend in order to make yourself a potential candidate for a position. But how can you be effective in your job search without getting lost in the journey of advancing your career? Here are a few helpful tips to help...

4 Ways to Clean Up Your Resume and Get the Job

  You’re on the hunt for a new job, but you’re not the only one. With millions of Americans unemployed and searching for work, you don’t want your resume to get lost in the commotion. So how do you improve your chances of getting noticed by an employer? It all starts with your resume- and cleaning it up is a lot...

4 Biggest Benefits to Working From Home

Reports show that 55% of businesses across the globe have offered to provide an option to work from home at some capacity during 2020. With remote work becoming such an available option, the question remains: Is working from home a viable alternative, or are you missing out on the experience of an in-person workplace? If you’re debating whether to turn your...

Considering a High Paying Career in STEM? Earn These Degrees Online.

Have you been hearing more and more about the advantages of working in STEM fields? High pay, good benefits, and expanding industries show that a STEM field may be perfect for you. SO what’s holding you back? Maybe you thought STEM work was too difficult when you were in high school, or maybe the fields didn’t interest you when...

Grab These Money Saving Apps Now

Everybody loves a bargain. One survey found that up to 90% of shoppers use coupons. We are all searching for ways to save cash these days. It’s tough to completely stop making purchases because you still need the necessities, but there’s no reason you shouldn’t try to save on the items you can’t avoid buying. While coupon clipping may...

4 Ways to Get Noticed by Your Boss

Are you a wallflower at work? Do your contributions often go unnoticed, or does someone else get credit for them? It can be tough to make yourself stand out at work, especially if you work in a large department, or on a large team. Sometimes it seems like the only time you get noticed is when you do something...

5 Habits of Successful People

  What does it take to be successful? Every person asks themselves this question when setting a goal for themselves. The end result may look different for everyone. To some, success might be making a million dollars. To others, it might be having a career that makes you happy. But no matter what you want to achieve, these common habits of...

Single Parent? Try These 4 Online Degrees.

If you’re juggling single parenthood and a career, you may find yourself wondering how to make your paychecks stretch further. One way to do that is to switch careers and get a better paying job. With over 70% of moms with kids under 18 in the workforce, it’s no surprise that many colleges and universities are looking to tailor...

Get a Degree in Eduction Online.

Considering a career in teaching? There are few better ways to serve your community and give back than becoming a teacher. You can help shape young minds, mentor kids who need a good role model, and generally just be a force for good in the world. Middle school and high school teachers also have the opportunity to specialize in...

4 Online Degrees for the Creative Person

Everyone’s mind is wired differently. Some gravitate toward STEM-oriented fields, while others are better equipped for the arts. There is a great misconception that more creative people don’t have a place in higher education. But there are a variety of useful degrees that help to advance artistic careers. Here are four practical degrees you can finish online that still appeal...