5 Tips To Follow If You’re Considering Quitting Your Job

Do you have a nightmarish boss? Is your work environment dull and uninspiring? There may be a wide variety of reasons you are considering quitting your job and moving on to something better. But before you make this decision, consider these 5 tips to help make your process of finding new work a lot more effective. 1. Research First It’s dangerous to...

3 Ways to Boost Your Chances of Getting Hired

Interviews can be terrifying. It’s difficult to figure out what employers are looking for during their hiring process, as not all of them specify what characteristics they deem to be the most hirable or effective. So how do you know what you need to do in order to get the job? Here are three interview tips that will help boost...

2 Year Healthcare Degrees that Pay Big

Salary is always a big consideration when it comes to a career change. In one study, 19% of those seeking new positions said a higher salary was the primary factor as they looked for a new job. If you’re considering going back to college or getting an online degree, you’ve probably thought about how to make that effort pay...

Find a Job Online Fast

If you’ve had to look for work in the past few years, chances are you’ve taken your search online. More than 79% of American job searchers said they used the internet or online resources to help their search. Online job search sites have existed for over two decades now, and many are still going strong today. Along with traditional job...

Breakfast Foods that Boost Immunity

We all know physical health is an important part of overall wellness, so it’s always a good time to talk about keeping your immune system in good shape. One of the best things you can do to keep your immune system in tip-top shape is to eat foods that support your immune system. Your digestive system is important to...

Online Healthcare Degrees for You

If you’ve been paying attention to financial news lately, you’ve probably heard that healthcare jobs are on the rise. Growth in the healthcare sector is expected to grow 14% between 2018 and 2028. The vast expansion in a wide variety of healthcare fields means more and more job opportunities for those who work in healthcare. There are many different specialties...

4 Reasons Why You Should Start A Side Hustle

According to Business Insider, many major companies started as a small side business. Apple began as a small computer project in Steven Job’s garage. Craiglist started out as a curated email that the founder, Craig Newmark, sent to a small group of friends. Over time, these companies and others blossomed into big names that bring in billions. The businessmen and...

Online University Degrees

Online degrees are gaining traction as more and more students value the flexibility and wide range of course work they offer. More than 15% of college students are exclusively enrolled online. With each academic year, online degree options expand. It is now possible to get a bachelor’s degree online in most liberal arts disciplines and many sciences as well....

Is Exhaustion Costing You Money?

Look, we know you’re probably tired. Between work, school, and family, life can really wear you down sometimes. Add in compounding stress like money worries, second jobs, health issues, problems in your personal life, or poor nutrition and exhaustion can start to take a serious toll. The major problem with being tired is that it can have far reaching...

How To Deal With a Difficult Coworker

Every job has one worker with an attitude problem. They constantly vent about how much they can’t stand management, customers, and workmates- pretty much every fellow human they come across. These coworkers are exhausting, and it can be difficult to avoid getting sucked into their pity party. How do you deal with the colleague that puts a damper on every...