What Your Favorite Color Reveals About Your Work Habits

We all have a separate persona while we’re at work. So many preferences contribute to shaping work personalities- your favorite time of day, your default sleep schedule, your level of comfort with confrontation. But what about preferences like your favorite color? See if your color of choice makes any indication about the way you operate in your workplace. Blue You don’t like...

4 Reasons Why You Should Start A Side Hustle

According to Business Insider, many major companies started as a small side business. Apple began as a small computer project in Steven Job’s garage. Craiglist started out as a curated email that the founder, Craig Newmark, sent to a small group of friends. Over time, these companies and others blossomed into big names that bring in billions. The businessmen and...

4 Biggest Benefits to Working From Home

Reports show that 55% of businesses across the globe have offered to provide an option to work from home at some capacity during 2020. With remote work becoming such an available option, the question remains: Is working from home a viable alternative, or are you missing out on the experience of an in-person workplace? If you’re debating whether to turn your...

Grab These Money Saving Apps Now

Everybody loves a bargain. One survey found that up to 90% of shoppers use coupons. We are all searching for ways to save cash these days. It’s tough to completely stop making purchases because you still need the necessities, but there’s no reason you shouldn’t try to save on the items you can’t avoid buying. While coupon clipping may...

5 Habits of Successful People

  What does it take to be successful? Every person asks themselves this question when setting a goal for themselves. The end result may look different for everyone. To some, success might be making a million dollars. To others, it might be having a career that makes you happy. But no matter what you want to achieve, these common habits of...

Now is the Time for an Online Degree

There has never been a better time to begin the pursuit of an online bachelor’s degree. Colleges and universities across the nation continue to roll out online degree programs and expand their options for majors each year. In the U.S., 5.4 million college students take at least one online class per year. Because of the expansion of students seeking...

Can You Make Money on YouTube?

These days, most people need a little side-hustle to make ends meet. A survey done by Bankrate found that 43% of $80,000+ income households have a side gig of some kind. That’s a lot of people working on the side to keep food on the table! While you may see advice about working for gig apps driving for Lyft...

3 Non-Traditional Ways You Can Ring In The New Year

Social restrictions and health precautions have influenced many adjustments while planning celebrations for the new year. In light of the pandemic, people are canceling their annual New Year’s parties and saving their midnight smooch. But even with so many limitations, it’s possible to find fun and exciting ways to celebrate the new year in a new way. The year 2020...

This Bad Habit May Be Ruining Your Sleep Quality

After a long day, you lay down in your bed and unlock your phone. You start by checking your messages app, but one thing leads to another and suddenly you’re watching a 15 minute Youtube tutorial on how to bake cloud bread. 2 Instagram posts, a TikTok binge, and 4 Netflix episodes later it’s 2 am and you’re sleep...

How To Deal With a Difficult Coworker

Every job has one worker with an attitude problem. They constantly vent about how much they can’t stand management, customers, and workmates- pretty much every fellow human they come across. These coworkers are exhausting, and it can be difficult to avoid getting sucked into their pity party. How do you deal with the colleague that puts a damper on every...