How To Deal With a Difficult Coworker

Every job has one worker with an attitude problem. They constantly vent about how much they can’t stand management, customers, and workmates- pretty much every fellow human they come across. These coworkers are exhausting, and it can be difficult to avoid getting sucked into their pity party. How do you deal with the colleague that puts a damper on every...

6 Apps That Will Help You Relax After A Long Day

When your head hits the pillow after a tiresome day, there’s only one thing on your mind- rest. But how do we achieve rest so that we truly feel relaxed and refreshed by the end of it? No matter what challenges you face throughout your typical day, these apps can help you find the peace you need to regroup and...

How to Job Hunt Like a Pro

The job market can be a scary place. There are countless phone calls, meetings, and interviews that you need to attend in order to make yourself a potential candidate for a position. But how can you be effective in your job search without getting lost in the journey of advancing your career? Here are a few helpful tips to help...

4 Important Habits For Healthy Living

Everyone wants to grow to be a better version of themselves. In order to do this, you have to be willing to put in the work to become a healthier person. Healthy living starts with taking care of the body and keeping up habits that will encourage physical wellness. If you’re looking to improve your health and allow your body...

3 Ways to Boost Your Chances of Getting Hired

Interviews can be terrifying. It’s difficult to figure out what employers are looking for during their hiring process, as not all of them specify what characteristics they deem to be the most hirable or effective. So how do you know what you need to do in order to get the job? Here are three interview tips that will help boost...

4 Online Degrees for the Creative Person

Everyone’s mind is wired differently. Some gravitate toward STEM-oriented fields, while others are better equipped for the arts. There is a great misconception that more creative people don’t have a place in higher education. But there are a variety of useful degrees that help to advance artistic careers. Here are four practical degrees you can finish online that still appeal...

Can You Make Money From Your Hobbies?

Many people feel that making a living from their favorite activities is too good to be true. It seems too far-fetched to earn a decent wage by doing something you actually enjoy. But there is a surprising amount of opportunities in making money from your hobbies. Here are a few ways you can make money by doing things you’re passionate...

How to Stay Motivated While Getting Your Degree Online

Online education has so many benefits- tuition is more affordable, there’s no need to commute, class times are more flexible, and you can learn at whatever pace works best for you. But despite all of the upsides to online higher education, many find it difficult to stay motivated enough to finish their degree. Here are a few tips to help...

What Does Your Coffee Order Say About Your Work Habits?

  Every coffee order tends to attract a different personality, and every personality has a different working style. So what does your favorite caffeinated drink say about the way you operate in the workplace? See if your typical coffee shop order matches the kind of worker you are! Black Drip Coffee You’re a workaholic. But because you’re so invested in your work life,...

10 Ways to De-Stress at Work

Come in Early Giving yourself an extra 15-30 minutes before you start working helps you to ease your way into a mindset of productivity. Instead of jumping into the job upon arrival, arriving early gives you time to think ahead. You can anticipate problems, plan breaks in advance, and order your day in a more effective way. Make a...