7 Brain Foods to Boost Your Focus

  It’s true when people say “you are what you eat.” The things that you put into your body will have a direct impact on your energy and functionality. Without the right balance of nutrients, it can sometimes feel impossible to get through the day. Running on an empty tank can take a huge hit on your focus, making you...

5 Habits of Successful People

  What does it take to be successful? Every person asks themselves this question when setting a goal for themselves. The end result may look different for everyone. To some, success might be making a million dollars. To others, it might be having a career that makes you happy. But no matter what you want to achieve, these common habits of...

4 Ways to Clean Up Your Resume and Get the Job

  You’re on the hunt for a new job, but you’re not the only one. With millions of Americans unemployed and searching for work, you don’t want your resume to get lost in the commotion. So how do you improve your chances of getting noticed by an employer? It all starts with your resume- and cleaning it up is a lot...

Online University Degrees

Online degrees are gaining traction as more and more students value the flexibility and wide range of course work they offer. More than 15% of college students are exclusively enrolled online. With each academic year, online degree options expand. It is now possible to get a bachelor’s degree online in most liberal arts disciplines and many sciences as well....

Tips for Surviving a Zoom Interview

It seems like we’re doing a lot more through video conferencing these days. Whether you’re using Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Skype, or any other sort of video conference app, you’re probably getting used to the ins-and-outs of video conferencing in daily corporate life. One survey even found that 76% of respondents used video to work remotely. As work-from-home becomes more...

How to Workout at Home

Suddenly unable to go to the gym? If you’re among the one in five U.S. citizens who belong to fitness clubs or gyms, you may be struggling with life away from your favorite elliptical or squash court. We feel your pain, but just like everything about maintaining a positive body image, try to maintain a positive outlook about your...

Grab These Money Saving Apps Now

Everybody loves a bargain. One survey found that up to 90% of shoppers use coupons. We are all searching for ways to save cash these days. It’s tough to completely stop making purchases because you still need the necessities, but there’s no reason you shouldn’t try to save on the items you can’t avoid buying. While coupon clipping may...

Can You Make Money on YouTube?

These days, most people need a little side-hustle to make ends meet. A survey done by Bankrate found that 43% of $80,000+ income households have a side gig of some kind. That’s a lot of people working on the side to keep food on the table! While you may see advice about working for gig apps driving for Lyft...

Now is the Time for an Online Degree

There has never been a better time to begin the pursuit of an online bachelor’s degree. Colleges and universities across the nation continue to roll out online degree programs and expand their options for majors each year. In the U.S., 5.4 million college students take at least one online class per year. Because of the expansion of students seeking...

Breakfast Foods that Boost Immunity

We all know physical health is an important part of overall wellness, so it’s always a good time to talk about keeping your immune system in good shape. One of the best things you can do to keep your immune system in tip-top shape is to eat foods that support your immune system. Your digestive system is important to...