Top Tips To Working More Efficiently

The job force is fast-paced and cutthroat. In order to keep up with the speed workers are expected to perform at, it’s important to settle into a routine of efficiency and focus. Here are some tips to help you find more order in your work life and spend your time at work more effectively as a result. Clear Your Space A clean...

Avoid Negative Self-Talk With These Affirmations

How you talk to yourself makes a big difference in your level of productivity. A poor internal thought life has even been linked to anxiety and depression, both of which hinder your ability to perform at your best. Avoid negative self-talk by replacing them with positive affirmations. DON’T Say: “I can’t do this.” DO Say: “What do I need in order to...

4 Signs Your Body Is Trying To Tell You To Slow Down

We live fast-paced, goal-oriented lives. But what happens when your brain and body just can’t seem to keep up? Oftentimes, it’s easy to ignore the signs that your body is trying to give you to let you know that it’s tired and worn out. If you find yourself with any of the following marks of fatigue, you may want to...

Can Vacations Make You Money?

Who couldn’t use more time off? Most jobs don’t offer employees many personal and vacation days. As a result, a lot of us feel like we aren’t getting the time to relax and recharge that we really need. Of course we all know it’s important to have time off to keep our creative energy up, as well as to...

5 Tips To Follow If You’re Considering Quitting Your Job

Do you have a nightmarish boss? Is your work environment dull and uninspiring? There may be a wide variety of reasons you are considering quitting your job and moving on to something better. But before you make this decision, consider these 5 tips to help make your process of finding new work a lot more effective. 1. Research First It’s dangerous to...

6 Apps That Will Help You Relax After A Long Day

When your head hits the pillow after a tiresome day, there’s only one thing on your mind- rest. But how do we achieve rest so that we truly feel relaxed and refreshed by the end of it? No matter what challenges you face throughout your typical day, these apps can help you find the peace you need to regroup and...

Tips for Surviving a Zoom Interview

It seems like we’re doing a lot more through video conferencing these days. Whether you’re using Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Skype, or any other sort of video conference app, you’re probably getting used to the ins-and-outs of video conferencing in daily corporate life. One survey even found that 76% of respondents used video to work remotely. As work-from-home becomes more...

What Does Your Coffee Order Say About Your Work Habits?

  Every coffee order tends to attract a different personality, and every personality has a different working style. So what does your favorite caffeinated drink say about the way you operate in the workplace? See if your typical coffee shop order matches the kind of worker you are! Black Drip Coffee You’re a workaholic. But because you’re so invested in your work life,...

Can You Make Money From Your Hobbies?

Many people feel that making a living from their favorite activities is too good to be true. It seems too far-fetched to earn a decent wage by doing something you actually enjoy. But there is a surprising amount of opportunities in making money from your hobbies. Here are a few ways you can make money by doing things you’re passionate...

2 Year Healthcare Degrees that Pay Big

Salary is always a big consideration when it comes to a career change. In one study, 19% of those seeking new positions said a higher salary was the primary factor as they looked for a new job. If you’re considering going back to college or getting an online degree, you’ve probably thought about how to make that effort pay...