Avoid Negative Self-Talk With These Affirmations


How you talk to yourself makes a big difference in your level of productivity. A poor internal thought life has even been linked to anxiety and depression, both of which hinder your ability to perform at your best.

Avoid negative self-talk by replacing them with positive affirmations.

DON’T Say: “I can’t do this.”

DO Say: “What do I need in order to finish this?”

When you’re overwhelmed, it can be easy to dwell on all that you’re incapable of doing alone. But the good news is- you’re not alone! Identify your needs so that you can reach out to people you trust for a helping hand.

DON’T Say: “I’m not worth recognition.”

DO Say: “I bring something unique and valuable to the table, whether or not people see that.”
Every person has value and worth. Even if you feel overlooked, remind yourself of all the things you’re talented at doing. Beyond what you can do, don’t forget to reflect on the value aspects of your character as well.

DON’T Say: “I’m a failure.”

DO Say: “I’m learning how to do better, and learning hurts sometimes.”

It’s okay to acknowledge the sting of a project flopping or a plan turning sideways. But it’s not okay to beat yourself up for things not turning out in the way you hoped they would. Failure can hurt, but the fact that you’re growing through it all is something to be proud of.

DON’T Say: “This is too hard.”

DO Say: “This is hard, but I am resilient.”

Don’t discredit the amount of strength that you have inside you. Remind yourself of all the times you’ve fallen and picked yourself back up again. You are more capable than you think, and even when something is hard you can find a way to keep going.

DON’T Say: “I’m unqualified.”

DO Say: “I am growing into higher capacities of capability.”

Sometimes you might not know the answer to a question. You might not yet have the resources to solve a problem. Give yourself some grace! There’s no shame in learning, it will only make you more capable in the long run.