6 Apps That Will Help You Relax After A Long Day


When your head hits the pillow after a tiresome day, there’s only one thing on your mind- rest. But how do we achieve rest so that we truly feel relaxed and refreshed by the end of it?

No matter what challenges you face throughout your typical day, these apps can help you find the peace you need to regroup and recharge.

1. Calm

Calm is an award-winning app for meditation, a skill that provides life-changing results as you learn how to wind down. It’s mindfulness techniques, story readings, and soothing music all contribute to instilling habits of true relaxation into users’ daily routines.

2. Breethe: Meditation & Sleep

Breethe helps you destress and fall asleep fast with the use of soothing sounds and hypnotherapy- and it can take as little as 5 minutes! With this app, you have access to relaxing videos, breathing exercises, and calming music that help bring more peacefulness into your day.

3. Smiling Mind

Smiling Mind is a versatile mediation app that allows you to find rest anytime, anywhere. The app hosts several different programs that are geared towards a variety of age groups, so it’s a perfect fit for anyone to use. Smiling Mind also claims that you only need to commit to 10 minutes of usage daily to start seeing the results of relaxation, making it a convenient remedy to a stressful day.

4. Soothing Sleep Sounds

Ditch the white noise machine- Soothing Sleep Sounds is the perfect app to help create a relaxing ambiance. You can mix different sounds together, and choose from 10 different categories of natural noises.

5. Headspace

Headspace is another mindfulness app that helps you to re-center yourself after experiencing a lot of stress. There are guided meditations for a variety of different categories such as self-esteem, gratitude, focus, and sleep. It’s user-friendly and suitable for the beginner still exploring the basics of meditation practices.

6. Aura

Aura is rated as the #1 app for emotional health and sleep. You can check in with yourself using their questionnaire, assisting you in self-assessment of your heart and mind. After this, you create a meditation routine best suited to your personal needs. Whether you need a five-minute breather when you arrive at home or you need to take an hour of spiritual self-care before going to bed, Aura is flexible enough to suit any schedule.