5 Tips To Follow If You’re Considering Quitting Your Job


Do you have a nightmarish boss? Is your work environment dull and uninspiring? There may be a wide variety of reasons you are considering quitting your job and moving on to something better.

But before you make this decision, consider these 5 tips to help make your process of finding new work a lot more effective.

1. Research First

It’s dangerous to make an impulsive choice to leave your current place of employment. If you’re having second thoughts about your job, be sure to thoroughly research other potential options before you make a final decision. Look up job ads and connect with people in your network, discussing your findings with people you trust. The top priority is doing your due diligence in knowing what your next step could look like.

2. Make A Backup Plan

So you’ve found a viable alternative to your job now…but what if that falls through? Sometimes, following your mind’s rabbit trail of “what if’s” can be beneficial to your planning. As make new work arrangements, be sure to have backup plans for your backup plans so that you have a plethora of solutions to help you transition into the next stage of your career.

3. Have Savings

Unfortunately, despite careful planning and deliberate decision making, life may still throw curveballs at you. In order to avoid the financial stresses of unemployment, be sure to have savings on hand that you can live off of in case additional job options fall through. Your savings can act as your safety net if you’re still on the hunt for a new place of work. The earlier you can be proactive about savings, the more time you can buy yourself to find a job you love!

4. Leave Well

Leaving well is perhaps the most crucial part of quitting any job. As you find other work, you want to use your current network to your advantage. There is a prevailing idea that all people are connected by merely six degrees of separation, and if this holds true then it is crucial to avoid the relational chaos that comes with dramatic exits and burned bridges. Even if you’re quitting your job because of negative experiences or problematic coworkers, be as professional and respectful as you can while you’re in the process of leaving.

5. Dream Big

At the end of the day, you’re quitting your job because you want something more for yourself. Amidst all of the planning that needs to be done, don’t forget to give yourself the freedom to imagine big things for yourself. Dream about pursuing your passions, and doing a job that gives you a sense of purpose. The ultimate goal when you leave a place of work is to find a space that will be more satisfactory and fulfilling.