4 Ways to Clean Up Your Resume and Get the Job



You’re on the hunt for a new job, but you’re not the only one. With millions of Americans unemployed and searching for work, you don’t want your resume to get lost in the commotion. So how do you improve your chances of getting noticed by an employer?

It all starts with your resume- and cleaning it up is a lot easier than you think.

Be Easy on the Eyes 

Let’s be honest- we all skim more than we actually read. Your interviewers are probably doing the same thing! Research has shown that job recruiters initially spend an average of 7.4 seconds skimming through resumes. That’s it! So make sure that yours is easy on the eyes by avoiding things that clutter the page, like long paragraphs or uneven spacing. If you’re having trouble with this, you can use pre-made templates so you don’t have to start from scratch.

Use the Two-Page Rule

When trying to clean up your resume, it might be tempting to keep everything on one page so that it’s easier to read. But a study led by ResumeGo shows that having a resume that’s two pages long makes your potential employer more than 2 times as likely to consider you a fit for the job. Whether it’s your first time applying or you’re an old pro, using the two-page rule helps boost your chances by putting the spotlight on your skills and work experience.

Keep it Simple 

Less is more when it comes to wording your resume. It’s important to highlight your strengths and keep your recruiter interested, but you don’t have to use long paragraphs to do this. Bullet points, lists, numbers, charts– these things keep enough white space on the page to look clean while still informing the reader that you have what it takes to land the job.

Check Your Grammar

It’s easy to forget the tips and tricks you learned in your high school English class to use proper grammar. But simple mistakes such as spelling errors or addressing the wrong person can sometimes cost you the job. This is especially important if you’re applying for several positions at one time, because you’re at a higher risk of overlooking small details. When you’re done cleaning up your resume, try using a website such as Grammarly that checks your grammar for you!

Cleaning up your resume doesn’t have to be difficult. It only takes a few steps to make it look eye-catching and readable so you can get the job you want!