3 Online Degrees That Pay


There’s no doubt that one of the most important considerations when considering a career should be whether you think it’s a field that you will enjoy. Still, it’s hard to deny that money often comes into the equation when we look at our job prospects. We want to be able to pay our bills and take care of our family. So it’s never a bad idea to look at potential salaries for any career you’re considering. That way you’re making an informed choice not just about the sort of work you’ll be doing every day, but also about the sort of lifestyle you can expect that work to earn for you.

The best strategy is to approach a new career path holistically. Look at all of the online degree programs available for the careers that interest you; talk to or read articles by people in the industry to learn about its ups and downs; research the job prospects and expected industry growth for those careers so you have an idea what your job security will be like; and research potential salaries, both at entry and management levels.

Here are some degrees you can earn online that lead to well-paying careers in fields with good growth prospects:

Marketing Management – average salary $63,120

Marketing is definitely a growth industry with 23% job outlook growth expected through 2026. Your job will essentially be helping to market and sell products or services, but there are any number of specializations and roles within the field. If you have a creative bent, you might veer toward the advertising creative end or if you prefer numbers, you might focus on campaigns and market research. And if you stay on the promotion track, Advertising, Promotions, and Marketing Managers rake in six figure salaries on average. There are lots of bachelors in marketing programs available online, some from very prestigious colleges and universities.

Human Resources – average salary $60,880

Human Resources is a field with steady growth prospects and great salary and benefits. You’ll help oversee many aspects of hiring and employee experience within a company. Human resources is usually a career with a good track toward management where salaries jump to an average of $126,700/year.

Computer Science – average salary $88,740

If you’ve ever considered the Information Technology field but not been sure where to start, a career as a Computer Systems Analyst could be just what you need to keep yourself highly interested in the work you do, and also bring in a high salary. You’ll work to integrate Information Technology abilities with the day-to-day needs of your company. Job outlook for this field is very good through 2026 with 9% growth expected.