10 Ways to De-Stress at Work

  1. Come in Early

Giving yourself an extra 15-30 minutes before you start working helps you to ease your way into a mindset of productivity. Instead of jumping into the job upon arrival, arriving early gives you time to think ahead. You can anticipate problems, plan breaks in advance, and order your day in a more effective way.

  1. Make a Playlist

Music can change the mood of any room- including your workspace. Try making a playlist the night before, being conscious of how each song affects your energy. If you’re feeling low, play some of your upbeat jams. If your environment is more fast-paced and making you feel frantic, play some relaxing instrumental music to calm your nerves.

  1. Start Meditating

Use your break to its fullest potential by throwing on your headphones and centering yourself through meditation. Even using a 5-Minute meditation guide can make all the difference in your day. Taking the time to intentionally check in with yourself helps you maintain your mental health, relaxing you so that you can have a better workday!

  1. Skip the Coffee

Believe it or not, studies show that you can experience increased symptoms of anxiety with excessive caffeine consumption. Swapping out your daily cup of coffee with a cup of green tea can reduce your caffeine intake by two-thirds, giving you a boost of energy without keeping you up too long. Coffee can keep you up for a long amount of time, making you more tired in the morning and more dependent on caffeine as a result. Skip this whole cycle by swapping out your coffee routine, or skipping it altogether!

  1. Get Inspired

What inspires you? Whether its a podcast or a moving song, get inspired before you start your work! You’ll be much more effective if you begin the day with a bit of motivation.

  1. Breathe in Deep

Breathing exercises have a huge number of health benefits. Try pacing your breath by slowly inhaling for 4 counts, holding your breath for 4 counts, and exhaling for 4 counts. Getting control over your breathing helps you gain control over your level of relaxation.

  1. Walk it Out

Feeling stuck? Take a walk outside! Even if it’s just for a few minutes, taking time to get some fresh air helps boost your energy and your mood. Studies show that taking a walk outside can even improve your level of creativity, helping you find innovative solutions to problems that you might be facing at work!

  1. Bring a Snack

Having something to reward yourself while you’re hard at work is a great mood enhancer. Bring a snack that you enjoy, using it as an incentive to get your tasks done more quickly!

  1. Keep it Clean

A tidy desk indicates a tidy mind. Take the time to straighten up your workspace before tackling the day. Less clutter helps you to be less distracted while you work, giving you the ability to be more productive!

  1. Connect with Coworkers

Do you want a more pleasant working environment? Start getting to know your coworkers! Having peers that you enjoy talking to helps create a warm and friendly atmosphere that’s much more satisfying to be in.